Communication Lecture Series
Taking place monthly during the regular academic year (Fall & Winter semesters), the main objective of this initiative is to publicize the research conducted in the Department of Communication, including the work of our doctoral students.
In each session, two faculty members from the Department of Communication will deliver a 20-minute presentation in either English or French, followed by 10-15 minutes of Q&A.
Perspectives on communication and data literacy: a research program (lecture in English)
Meredith Rocchi, Assistant Professor/Professeure adjointe. Communication, uOttawa.
Modern technology has provided unprecedented access to data, and opportunities for communicating that data with others. This data promotes evidence-based decision-making, but also serves as means to spread misinformation. It is becomingly increasingly important for individuals to have basic data literacy skills in order to identify good and bad representations of data in their everyday lives. Despite the importance of data literacy, however, currently in Canada, these outcomes are not included in the vast majority of humanities and social sciences undergraduate program curricula. This program of research aims to identify best practices for data literacy education with the goal of promoting student motivation and reduced anxiety for students.
Le kitsch dans la communication publique : biologie, esthétique et stratégie (conférence en français)
Isaac Nahon-Serfaty, Professeur agrégé/Associate Professor. Communication, uOttawa
Le kitsch est en même temps la catégorie opposée et complémentaire du visuellement grotesque dans le paysage actuel de la communication publique. La relation dialectique entre le kitsch et le grotesque est une manifestation de la « transparence déformative». (Nahon-Serfaty, 2019). A) La biologie : notre objet d’étude est la nature et le « naturel » compris comme le non-humain. B) L’esthétique : nous voulons d’étudier l'économie des émotions dans l’écosystème communicationnel actuel. C) La stratégie : situer le visuellement kitsch dans le champ de bataille de la communication publique afin de mettre en évidence le rôle du sensible et des sensations dans la formation des idées, des perceptions, des opinions, des attitudes et même des comportements des gens.